Friday, January 31, 2020

DLT - I can identify various New Deal programs and summarize who they targeted and how they inspired hope.

Today we started learning about the 'New Deal'.

The New Deal was a series of programs, public work projects, financial reforms, and regulations enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States between 1933 and 1939. It responded to needs for relief, reform, and recovery from the Great Depression.

We are focusing on 6 Programs and Laws.  We did a 'Scavenger Hunt' activity to learn about each.

2 Relief
  • Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
  • Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration (PRRA)
2 Recovery
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
  • Tennessee Valley Authority
2 Reform
  • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
  • Social Security Act

Power Point from class:
'The New Deal Begins' - Powerpoint

Scavenger Hunt Posters:
6 New Deal Programs and Laws

Scavenger Hunt Tracker

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

DLT - I can give effective feedback and finish a draft of my paper.


First thing today:

Give feedback on Mr. Ward's performance.  Click on the survey below.


Peer Editing

  • Sit in circle - use 'editing checklist'
Catch Up
  • Sit with a partner that is covering similar causes for the paper

Homework - 1/29
  • Work on your paper - DUE FRIDAY.  Use feedback from peers and teachers.  Use the prompts from class.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

DLT - I can research and prepare for my paper on ‘What caused the Great Depression?’

Today we are researching for our 2-3 page paper that answers the question:

"What caused the Great Depression"

  • Focus on two (CP) or three (Honors) of the five causes we discussed in class.
  • Use sources, at least two for each topic, to support your body paragraphs with statistics, data, or quotations for each of the causes.
  • In your conclusion paragraph, try to add in your own beliefs - how bad was the great depression after doing your research?

Many of the sources below discuss more than the five causes that we talked about in class, but try to focus on the five main ones. If you have your own idea for the paper, please talk with me about it.

MLA In-Text Citations
MLA Works Cited

Example of Works Cited:

Lundman, Susan. "How to Make Vegetarian Chili." eHow,*

Homework - 1/28
  • Bring a draft (Intro and Body PPHs) to class tomorrow. We will do peer editing tomorrow as part of the class.

Source List

Monday, January 27, 2020

DLT - I can summarize and analyze the 5 causes of the Great Depression

   Today we covered 5 causes of the Great Depression.  Though it is difficult to say for certain what exactly caused the depression, we will explore these five causes:

  1. Buying on Credit
  2. Unequal Distribution of Wealth
  3. Over-Production and Under-Consumption
  4. Unstable Banking System
  5. Weak International Trade

Homework due 1/28

1) Listen to Fireside Chat #1

Audio -

For text - (click 'view transcript' under audio) or Fireside Chat #1 Text

2) Read ONE of the letters written to FDR after Fireside Chat #1

Letters -

3) Answer the Questions

  • In this speech, FDR tries to clearly explain the banking crisis - write two quotes down from the speech where he explains the crisis.
  • What letter did you read?  Write the person's name and who they are.  How did they react to FDR's speech?
  • Is this speech effective?  Imagine you were listening in 1933, everything seems to be crashing down around you, would this speech help calm you down?

Extra Materials:

Presentation from class:

Catching Up

For those that missed class, here is the outline for what we did last week:

1/21 (Tuesday)

1/22 (Wednesday)
Martin Luther King Jr.

1/23 (Thursday)
What makes a Generation? / Intro to Great Depression

1/24 (Friday)
What makes a Generation (Day 2)


  • Write a 1 page reflection, written like a letter, to me (Mr. Ward).
  • What are reasons that you either identify with or don't identify with your Generation (Z)?
    • Do you even like the fact that we belong to generations?
    • What habits do you have that make you or don't make you Generation Z?
  • This is a chance for you to tell me something about yourself at the start of 2nd semester

Tuesday (COVID 19)

Hi there!  Just want to check in after nearly 5 days of not being in school... I hope everyone is adjusting to this 'social distancing...