Friday, February 28, 2020

DLT - I can watch 'A Time For Justice' Documentary' and respond to questions on notecatcher

Honors Homework:

Read these two articles and respond in 1 page. What do the circumstances of Emmett Till's murder tell us about social conduct between black and white southerners at the time, about the justice system, and also, what personal reactions do you have, considering the new information in the second article particularly?

1 Page can be handwritten (and turned into 11.2 bin) or typed and emailed to Mr. Ward

Thursday, February 27, 2020

DLT - I can write a haiku about the reaction to integrating schools after Brown vs. Board of Education

Station 1: Alabama

Autherine Lucy and the University of Alabama

Station 2: Arkansas

The Little Rock 9

Station 3: Virginia

Senator Harry Byrd and 'Massive Resistance' in Virginia

Station 4: Louisiana

Ruby Bridges, the first girl to desegregate an elementary school

If you are finished:

TED Talk - Ruby Bridges

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

DLT - I can identify the impact of Mendez vs. Westminster on the Civil Rights Movement

Today, we learned about the Mendez vs. Westminster (1947) case in California.

This case came years before Brown vs. Board of Education and challenged the legality of 'separate but equal' in California schools.

If you're finished:
  • What are the keys to a long life for this man?  In your opinion, what does it take to live a long life?  Is a long life a happy life?

Sunday, February 23, 2020

DLT - I can describe what I know American Civil Rights Movement through a free-write

Welcome back from break :)

Civil Rights Survey

If you're finished:

  • Corona Virus Spreads to Italy
    • After reading this article, what do you think 'Draconian' means?  If Corona virus broke out in Springfield, would you be in favor of using 'Draconian' measures to keep it in check?

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

DLT - I can prepare for my poem by completing my Hidden History note-catcher

Use the resources below to help research for your poem:

Two Voice Poem:

Picture Poem:

Image result for picture poems

African Americans in WWII

Women in WWII

Japanese Internment

DLT - I can identify three hidden histories of WWII and choose a topic that interests me

New Deal posters are due today!

Image result for new deal posters

Today we started looking at three 'hidden histories' of World War II

Resources for your poem -->
  • The role of African Americans during the war
  • The role of women during the war
  • Japanese Internment
The Homefront

Sunday, February 9, 2020

DLT - I can create my New Deal poster and summary

It's the last week of school before vacation!

Today, we are finishing our New Deal posters up, and the summary 

Due tomorrow:
To receive full credit, you must turn in the following....

1) New Deal Poster

2) Summary turned into Unified Classroom (print out if you can)

3) Poster packet

Poster Packet - (Model Summary is on the 3rd page)

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

DLT - I can analyze New Deal posters and plan for my own.

Today we have started looking at the posters from the New Deal.  We will design our own posters focusing on a program of your choosing.

List of Programs with Descriptions:
Living New Deal

Posters from artists of the New Deal:
Gallery of New Deal Posters

Fonts from the 1930s:
1930s Lettering

The New Deal in Springfield:

(Monday's Late Post) DLT - I can recognize the despair felt by people during the Great Depression through photography.

On Monday, we looked at the work of Dorothea Lange, a photographer who took important photos of life during the Great Depression.

First, we watched the video on the making of Lange's most famous photo:

We analyzed the photos on three levels:

  1. Just stating the facts about the photo (ex. Who is in the photo?  How many faces are featured in the photo?)
  2. Analyzing and Interpreting (ex. What are they thinking?  What do you think they are doing?)
  3. Connecting the photo to history (ex.  Based on what you know about the 1930s, what is the situation of the people in this photo?)

The photos are below

(Migrant Mother)

(White Angel Bread Line)

(Stoop Labor in Cotton Field)

Tuesday (COVID 19)

Hi there!  Just want to check in after nearly 5 days of not being in school... I hope everyone is adjusting to this 'social distancing...